Logic Model
Inputs: What we Invest
Funding from RWJ Clinical Scholars Program
In-kind staff support from partnering schools and school districts
Human Resources:
Trauma Responsive School Project Team
IUPUI Nurs Faculty, W. Thruston
IUPUI SW Faculty, B. Pierce
IU Asst Director of School Mental Health, K. Eaton
Shalom Health Care Chief Nursing Officer for School-based Health Clinics, M. Carlson
IUPUI Social Work PhD student, Klemme, P.
IUPUI Statistician
MSDWT administrators, principals, SEL Coordinators, social workers, nurses, teachers, other school personnel
Indianapolis Metropolitan HS admin, teachers, staff, parents, students
Vanguard Collegiate Academy admin, teachers, staff, parents, students
Selected community partners
Additional Community Partners
Healthcare Organizations providing school-based health services and clinics
Admin, teachers, and selected school personnel of participating schools
Logistical & Operational Resources:
Meeting space and appropriated time for TRSP meetings with School Trauma Resiliency Team
Meeting space and admin/teacher/school personnel time for professional development, peer-to-peer training and project assessments
IU School of Social Work PhD Student for data management
IUPUI Statistician
IU Canvas site for e-learning modules, resources and evaluations assessments
Marketing professional for project branding
IU website and social media development
Intervention Activities
Intervention Outputs
What we do
Utilizing the Replicating Effective Programs Framework for implementation and the Plan Do Study Act continuous quality improvement approach, the TRSP team will lead and guide the development, implementation, and evaluation of the a trauma responsive project focused on the prevention and mitigation of Secondary Traumatic Stress in K-12 public school personnel using the principals of participatory action research
Information Support
TRSP team participates and completes all RWJ Leadership activities
TRSP team participates in professional development activities and reading of literature regarding the process of project development in public schools; evidence-based implementation models; continuous quality improvement approaches; project evaluation; the prevalence and impact of adverse childhood experiences leading to childhood trauma; best practices of a trauma responsive learning community; secondary traumatic stress and its impact on the physical and mental wellness of school personnel; and the prevention and mitigation of STS
Each schools’ Trauma Resiliency Team will provide training, guidance and on-going support on Secondary Traumatic Stress as a part of the development of a Trauma Responsive Learning Community
Instrumental Support
Each school will complete TRS-IA to identify existing strengths, resources and barriers to change as well as practices that are consistent or inconsistent with trauma responsive care—TRSP team will analyze assessment and disseminate results to school administration
Schools will provide description of cultural responsive and discipline policies and practices, social emotional learning efforts, physical and mental health activities and other activities and practices by the school/district that impacts the development of a trauma responsive learning community
Each school will provide the TRSP team student and personnel demographic data; quarterly discipline report; student and school personnel attendance records; and academic achievement of students; Student mental health referrals; School personnel use of Employee Assistant Program and Health Clinic
Participants will complete the following assessments:
Professional Quality of Life Inventory
Secondary Traumatic Stress Survey
Self-Care Inventory
Post e-learning module assessment and golden nugget reflection ???
Peer support effects survey
Job satisfaction/school climate assessment for school personnel
Emotional & Esteem Support
All services provided by TRSP team, the school Trauma Resiliency Team, and collaborative partners will convey empathy, trust and concern through the acknowledgement of the complexities of trauma exposed children and the school personnel that educate them. Ask “What happened to you?” instead of “What is wrong with you?”
The trauma-responsive learning communities will aim to adhere to the 4 R’s:
Realizing the widespread impact of trauma and pathways to recovery
Recognizing traumas signs and symptoms
Responding by integrating knowledge about trauma into all facets of the system
Resisting re-traumatization of trauma-impacted individuals by decreasing the occurrence of unnecessary triggers (i.e. trauma and loss reminders) and by implementing trauma-informed policies, procedures, and practices
Network Support
Informal support –School Admin, teachers and staff will model trauma-responsive care to all students and staff support for each other
Formal support will be provided TRSP team and School Admin through education, guidance and support
Peer support will be provided by the school Trauma Resiliency Team through offering suggestions and support for the organizational change
Who we reach
TRSP Team outputs
TRSP team will provide a website that describes the project, who we are, our mission and vision, and access to community resources, training materials and assessment tools for participating schools and school districts
TRSP team will provide 6-8 short (15-20 min) video-taped e-learning modules on the prevention and mitigation of STS for the project participants
TRSP team will work with the school administration to determine who will participate in this project and who will make up the School Trauma Resiliency Team
TRSP team will provide a multi-day professional development session on the prevention and mitigation of STS, small group facilitation skills, peer support, E-CPR, and (xxx) for the School Trauma Resiliency Team.
TRSP team will provide access to the e-learning modules and project assessment tools on the TRSP website to the project participants using a school/school district passcode.
The Trauma Resiliency Team convenes and facilitates bi-weekly peer support groups. They will lead reflective activities and discussions about module learning and real life scenarios that teachers bring to the group. This group will also attend to heightened emotion within the school context and address as needed via wider discussion or suggestions of referrals to EAP or other resources.
TRSP team will provide reflection guides on the website for the School Resiliency Team that provides background, in-depth information on the topic of the e-learning module along with reflection questions to guide their facilitation of the peer reflection session with their small learning community for each module.
Participant-level outputs
School administration will provide answers to questions regarding their readiness to implement (TRS-IA) pre and post intervention
Members of each schools’ Trauma Resiliency Team will lead the implementation and infusion of evidence-based trauma responsive practices to prevent and mitigate STS in their learning communities
Attendance records will reveal incidence of teacher absences pre and post intervention
Use of Employee Assistant Program and Health Clinic will reveal usage of physical and mental health services pre/post intervention
School discipline records will reveal incidence of referrals, suspensions and expulsions pre and post intervention
School academic records will reveal educational attainment of its students pre and post intervention
Student attendance record will reveal school attendance pre/post intervention
Process data will provide number of participants that participated and completed project activities and were made aware of school and community resources to mitigate the effects of STS.
Pre/post intervention assessments will reveal the level of awareness of the risk of STS, STS triggers and symptoms by school personnel
School administration and participants will recognize the importance of self-care and the potential impact of secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue & vicarious trauma
Reflection data will provide data on the participants’ take-away following e-learning and peer support activities
Immediate Outcome
Subsequent Outcome
Ultimate Goal
What the short term results are
Selected school personnel will participate in the 6 e-learning modules on STS
(measures of number of participants)
School personnel completing the e-learning modules will reflect on what they learned, how the information was relevant to their professional life, and what issues still concern them as demonstrated through their written golden nugget for each module (measure-content analysis of reflection/golden nuggets
School and community-based resources available to mitigate the effects of STS will be shared with the school personnel in various formats (written, website, other social media) Availability of above and yearly count of usage
School personnel will be encouraged and supported to use all resources available to mitigate their effects of STS-yearly count of usage
There will be congruence between school district personnel policies, that support the physical and mental health of the school personnel
What the medium term results are
Increase the awareness of the risk of STS for school personnel
Increase awareness of STS triggers and symptoms by school personnel
School personnel are aware of school/district and community resources to mitigate STS symptoms.
Increase the number of school personnel aware and utilize self-care strategies
STS symptoms experienced by school personnel will decrease
Increase the use of peer support by school personnel to learn strategies to prevent and mitigate STS
School/district policies and administrative guidelines support the needs of school personnel in the prevention and mitigation of STS
Improved job satisfaction for school personnel
What the ultimate impact(s) are
In three years, K-12 public schools will have improved culture and climate (including safety, relationships, engagement and the environment), as perceived by the school personnel by preventing and mitigating secondary traumatic stress while educating students that have experienced childhood trauma